The construction and operation of wind turbines interferes with habitats, especially those of birds. Therefore, the construction and operation of wind turbines requires special sensitivity with regard to native species. The requirements of species protection law must be taken into account in the planning, construction and operation of wind turbines. In particular, § 44 para. 1 BNatSchG is relevant, as it prohibits, among other things, killing, injuring or disturbing animals of the specially protected species. To minimise conflicts with wind energy-sensitive birds of prey and large birds, more and more technical systems for regulating operations are coming into focus. These camera- or radar-based anti-collision systems can trigger the shutdown of a wind turbine if a bird approaches the rotors. Various pilot projects and research projects are currently investigating and developing technical detection systems for the protection of birds of prey at risk of being struck during the operation of wind turbines. For a future legally compliant application of such systems in Germany, various challenges have to be overcome and legal requirements for a bird detection system have to be clarified. Together with the Chair of Wind Energy Technology at the University of Rostock, the Institute is developing its own bird detection system, attached to the tower of the wind turbine. The aim is to use cameras to detect approaching protected bird species and flocks of birds, to observe the flight path and, if there is a risk of collision, to switch off the wind turbine in good time or put it into a so-called spin mode.
research - development - innovation